<div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div><span lang="EN-US">Hi Songna,</span></div><div><span lang="EN-US">UVELMASS and VVELMASS in MITgcm are for native grid (here LLC90).</span></div><div><span lang="EN-US">When plotted geographically, they should be rotated first.<br></span></div><div><span lang="EN-US">Here is the reference<br></span></div><div><span lang="EN-US"><a href="https://ecco.jpl.nasa.gov/products/latest/user-guide/">https://ecco.jpl.nasa.gov/products/latest/user-guide/</a><br></span></div><div><span lang="EN-US">especially section 3.3.2.</span></div><div><span lang="EN-US">In case you can't access, here are the copy of text and LLC grid map:</span></div><div><span lang="EN-US">====</span></div><div><h4>3.3.2 Native and Geographical Velocity Components</h4>Users are advised to be aware of the directional convention used
in the model especially when analyzing the vector fields of the model.
Figure 1b illustrates the directional convention used in the LLC grid.
Within each face (tile), the x- and y-directions point left-to-right and
bottom-to-top in the figure, respectively. As such, in faces 4 and 5,
the x- and y-directions point to the south and to the east,
respectively. In face 3, the x-direction points to the Pacific Ocean
away from the Atlantic, whereas y-direction points to North America away
from Asia. For user convenience, conventional eastward and northward
velocity components (EVEL and NVEL) are provided as diagnostic output,
in addition to that in the model’s native direction (UVEL and VVEL).
(See Table 1.)<p>====<br></p><p>cheers</p><p>Hong<br></p>
</div><div><span lang="EN-US"><br></span></div><div><span lang="EN-US"><br></span></div><div><span lang="EN-US"><br></span></div><div><span lang="EN-US"><br></span></div><div><span lang="EN-US"><br></span></div><div><span lang="EN-US"></span></div></div></div>