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Hi everyone,<br>I am trying to write an application with the LNI in DSpace 1.5. We know that the LNI support the function of ingest an new item in the collcetion/subcollection. So I readed the LNISmokeTest in Java. And got a perspertive about the LNI. <br><br>In the Web U/I we could ingest an new ingest an item through an workfolw. The LNI supports also the workfolw item.<br><br>The Question is how can i ingest an item by using an workfolw item or should i use an workflow item for ingesting an new item? how can i simu the process of ingesting an item? Should i get the workfolw item at first and read the workflow to complete the ingest process for an new item? And....to ingest an item, i need to edit the dc for the new item. How can i do for this??<br><br>I really need the right workflow/suggestion about the Workflow Item and ingest process by coding such an application.<br><br>thanks<br><br>kevin <br><br /><hr />Videos im Internet suchen? <a href='http://redirect.gimas.net/?n=M0904SearchVideo' target='_new'>Microsoft® Live Search Video!</a></body>