CVS report: krb5/src/clients/ksu ChangeLog ccache.c heuris ...

epeisach@MIT.EDU epeisach at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 21 15:31:56 EDT 2002

CVSROOT:	/cvs/krbdev
Module name:	krb5
Changes by:	epeisach at	2002-06-21 15:31:55

Modified files:
	src/clients/ksu: ChangeLog ccache.c heuristic.c 

Log message:
* ccache.c (printtime): Do not assume that krb5_timestamp and
time_t are the same size as an argument to localtime.

* heuristic.c (get_authorized_princ_names): If .k5login file
exists but is not owned by the user, do not attempt to fclose an
uninitialized FILE *.

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