<div dir="ltr"><div>Just saw & haven't seen this run the lists yet so here it is:<br></div><div>------<b><br>You heard we have our call for speakers, tickets, sponsors and ada fellowships NOW ALL OPEN! See you in #PDX</b><br></div>(<a href="https://twitter.com/ohsummit" target="_blank">twitter</a>)<br><div><br></div><div><b>~~Details~~</b><br></div><div>October 7, 2016 * Crystal Ballroom * Portland, Oregon<br><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PDX?src=hash" dir="ltr" target="_blank"><b></b></a><a href="http://2016.oshwa.org/" target="_blank">http://2016.oshwa.org/</a><br><br><b>~~The Call for Speakers is now open!~~<br>Submissions are due by July 1 11:59pm
(ET).</b> Notification of accepted proposals will happen by August 5th,
2016. Tickets and Sponsorship Opportunities are still available as well.<br><a href="http://2016.oshwa.org/speak/" target="_blank">http://2016.oshwa.org/speak/</a><br>
                        <p>~~<b>Ten</b> <b>Open Hardware
Fellowships~~</b><br>Offered to women and people of color within the community which
includes a $500 travel stipend and a lunch or dinner with select
speakers. You can apply by filling out the application under
‘Fellowship’ in the above menu..!<br></p><p><i>(no due date that I could see)</i><br><a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KTFbeIi_jhuBuAoeY_XzTrcdzbHB8oiRTByIMRtH33A/viewform" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KTFbeIi_jhuBuAoeY_XzTrcdzbHB8oiRTByIMRtH33A/viewform</a></p><p><b>~~Tickets~~</b><br><a href="http://2016.oshwa.org/tickets/" target="_blank">http://2016.oshwa.org/tickets/</a></p><b>~~Of note~~</b><br>The only bolded item under topics of interest:<br><b>Digital fabrication and design tools (CAD / CAM)<br></b></div><div><br>w00t<b>!<br><br></b></div><div>Warmly from Georgia,<br></div><div>--Nancy<br><div><br>p.s. folks on cad-discuss: sorry for dropping the ball after the new
year, I'll be back in town and back on top of things, if not soon then definitely by September