[BCF] To BCF: AACMC Details

Chinwe P. Nyenke chinwe04 at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 16 20:41:50 EST 2004

>BCF will attend:
>The African American Campus Ministries Coalition (AACMC) Conference
>Friday, April 2 at 7pm (We will go to this during fellowship time)
>Saturday, April 3rd all day
>The conference will be held here in town at Roxbury Community College (on
>the Orange Line). (We will go over together)
>For those of you who don't know, this is an annual event that you don't
>want to miss. It's a New - England - wide 2-day conference for Black
>students. There are GREAT speakers, workshops, small group
>discussions, and food!!!
>**See attachment for details. It's also a registration form, so print it
>and fill it out ASAP******
>Friday is $10, and Saturday normally costs $20, but BCF can subsidize so
>Saturday is only $10 for you. So that's  $20 for BOTH days - and it
>includes materials, snacks friday and 3 meals (including a soul food
>dinner) on Saturday!
>So let us know ASAP if you plan on coming with us.  Email me or
>bcf-acl at mit.edu.
>ALSO - PLEASE let us know if money is an issue! We ALWAYS work something
>out with things like that! You can certainly go if you want to, just let
>us know what you need.
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