<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; border-collapse: collapse; ">Dear Student Group Officers,<br><br>Please take note of the following announcements:<br><br>1. Opportunity for ASA Early Returns - respond by THIS Monday, May 31st<div class="im">
2. Midway Date: Friday, September 3<br></div>3. First Year Student Mailing (FYSM) - submissions soon<br>4. Yearly Activity Survey<br>5. Promotional Table Reservations Open<br>6. Printing Survey<br><br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
<br>1. Opportunity for ASA Early Returns - respond by THIS Monday, May 31st<div class="im"><br>If you are an undergraduate student who is eligible to register for MIT in the<br></div>fall, and if you will be living in an undergraduate dorm during Fall 2010, you<div class="im">
are eligible to apply for an early return. Early returns are given to a<br>limited number of students who will be assisting in a facet of Orientation,<br></div>such as the Activities Midway in the case of ASA early returns. Currently, ASA<div class="im">
early returns are projected to be able to move into their dorms on August 29,<br>2010.<br><br>If you wish to apply for an early return in order to assist with a student<br>group's activities, please notify the ASA Executive Board via email<br>
(<font class="Apple-style-span" color="#000000"><a href="mailto:asa-exec@mit.edu" target="_blank">asa-exec@mit.edu</a></font>) by 11:59pm on Monday, May 31st.<br>Please include:<br>* your name and class year<br>* the group(s) you will be assisting and how you will be doing so<br>
* the dorm you will be moving into<br>* the date you intend to return.<br><br>After notifying the ASA, you will then be able to apply for an early return<br>through MIT Housing; this application will be released on June 1 and is due by<br>
July 1. The ASA itself does not grant early returns: we simply help in<br>coordinating the process.<br><br>Please feel free to contact <font class="Apple-style-span" color="#000000"><a href="mailto:asa-exec@mit.edu" target="_blank">asa-exec@mit.edu</a></font> if you have any questions.<br>
<br>NOTE: If you already have MIT summer housing, you do not need to apply for an<br>early return, as you are already entitled to continuous housing privileges.<br><br></div><div class="im">----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
<br>2. Midway Date: Friday, September 3<br><br>The Fall Activities Midway will be held on Friday, September 3 in the afternoon.<br>While we did consider moving the date of the Midway, it was not determined to be<br>clearly feasible and advantageous for this year. We will likely send a survey<br>
out early in fall and reconsider the options for Orientation 2011.<br><br>More information and a request form will be mailed out in late June.<br><br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
<br></div>3. First Year Student Mailing (FYSM) - submissions soon<div class="im"><br>Like last year, the ASA is going to compile a website with an index of all the<br></div>groups. Each group can submit a logo, a slide, a short description, and a link<div class="im">
to their website. The FYSM website will be advertised to incoming students<br>through postcards and the Graduate Student News.<br><br></div>More information and a submission form will be available soon.</span><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; border-collapse: collapse; "><div class="im" style="color: rgb(80, 0, 80); ">
<font class="Apple-style-span" color="#000000"><div><div class="im" style="color: rgb(80, 0, 80); "><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#000000"><br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
<br>4. Yearly Activity Survey<br><br>Remember to have your new officers fill out the ASA yearly activity survey,<br>which will be used to compile the ASA group directory.<br><br>The survey is available here: </font><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#000000"><a href="http://asa.mit.edu/directory/edit.php" target="_blank">http://asa.mit.edu/directory/edit.php</a> </font><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#000000"><br>
<br>The results are available here: </font><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#000000"><a href="http://asa.mit.edu/directory/view.php" target="_blank">http://asa.mit.edu/directory/view.php</a> </font><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#000000"><br>
<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>5. Promotional Table Reservations Open<br><br>You are now able to reserve promotional tables in Lobby 10, Stata, and the<br>Stratton Student Center lobby for the Fall 2010 term. These tables provide you<br>
with an excellent opportunity to promote your activities and events, and to hold<br>bake sales and fundraisers.<br><br>If you do plan on a bake sale, please note the following Campus Activities<br>Complex's food guidelines:<br>
* All food/beverages being sold or given out should be pre-packaged or<br>individually wrapped to promote food safety.<br>* Foods cannot contain meat, poultry, fish or uncooked or partially cooked eggs<br>(such as mayonnaise or custard, quiche, etc.), cream cheese, or any foods that<br>
are required to be heated or cooled to be served may not be sold or provided.<br>* All food should be in storage containers.<br>* Displayed food/beverages must fit on the top of the reserved table or booth<br>and should not be piled up.<br>
* Food/beverages not being displayed must be stored appropriately under the<br>table.<br>* One food sale per day, per location is allowed.<br>* A list of proposed items for table/booth must be turned into CAC at least 2<br>
business days in advance of the event.<br></font><br></div></div>If you have any questions or concerns, please contact CAC at<br><a href="mailto:campus-activities@mit.edu" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(7, 77, 143); ">campus-activities@mit.edu</a>.<div class="im" style="color: rgb(80, 0, 80); ">
<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------</div><div class="im" style="color: rgb(80, 0, 80); "><br></div>6. Printing Survey<br><br>The UA Special Projects Committee is trying to learn more about printing costs<br>
to see if we could save you money. Some of our past projects include the<br>student center printer ("lerman"), the SafeRide TV, and the produce market.<br>Please fill this out to give us a better idea of your expenditures. Thanks!</font><br>
<br><a href="http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dFZNREhSeF9mVC1RYUdVWUNSSU1UNFE6MQ" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(7, 77, 143); ">http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dFZNREhSeF9mVC1RYUdVWUNSSU1UNFE6MQ</a><br>
<br></div>----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br><br>Sincerely,<br><br>The ASA Executive Board<br><a href="http://web.mit.edu/asa/about/board-members.html" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(7, 77, 143); ">http://web.mit.edu/asa/about/board-members.html</a></span><br>