Dear Student Groups,<br><br>Several important events are coming up:<br><br>1) LEF/ARCADE DEADLINE (UPCOMING WORKSHOPS)<br>2) FALL GENERAL BODY MEETING<br>2) NEW GROUP RECOGNITION CRITERIA AT TOWN HALL MEETINGS<br><br>============================<br>
1) LEF/ARCADE DEADLINE: Monday, Dec 1, 5pm<br><br>This next deadline is for events occurring between 1/1/09 and 3/31/09. The application and more information are available online: <a href=""></a>.<br>
<br>There will be two info sessions/workshops for information and tips on applying to LEF/ARCADE:<br>Wed Nov 12, 4-5pm, 8-205<br>Tues Nov 18, 4-5pm, 8-205<br><br>Groups applying are encouraged to send a representative to one of these sessions. The information will be the same at both.<br>
<br>All groups are encouraged to meet with the SAO about your application before the deadline. Groups proposing events with outside speakers/performers are REQUIRED to meet with the SAO. To make these meetings more convenient, SAO will hold weekly office hours Wed 12-2pm in the W20 Coffeehouse Lounge for the remainder of the year. Keep in mind that many groups wait until the last minute, so waits are long the week before the deadline. You can also set up an appointment with SAO outside of these office hours.<br>
<br>=============================<br>2. FALL GENERAL BODY MEETING: Monday, Nov 17, 7pm, 34-101<br><br>Your group must send a representative. Most groups send an officer, but general members are fine too if no officers are available. If no representative is in attendance, your group will lose ASA privileges, including funding eligibility and recognition. Please mark your calendars.<br>
<br>=============================<br>3. NEW GROUP RECOGNITION CRITERIA AT TOWN HALL MEETINGS<br><br>The main topic for the fall General Body Meeting is a discussion of a new set of criteria for student group recognition. In order to save time during<br>
the GBM, we will be holding two town hall meetings to present the proposed changes in order to hear your comments and questions. Thanks to those who attended last week's discussion.<br><br>The last town hall on group recognition will be Tuesday, November 11, 7:15 pm in 1-150. Pizza will be served.<br>
<br><br><br><br>Questions? Email <a href=""></a><br><br>~2008-2009 ASA Exec~<br>