Dear Student Group Officers,<br><div class="gmail_quote"><br>There are more notices, and they are different from the last ones. Please take note:<br><br><br>1. FALL GENERAL BODY MEETING<br><br>The fall ASA General Body Meeting will be held on Monday, November 17, in 34-101 at 7 pm. Your group must send a representative. Most groups send an officer, but ordinary members are fine too if no officers are available. If no representative is in attendance, your group will be derecognized. Please mark your calendars.<br>
<br><br>-----------------------------------------------------<br><br>2. NEW GROUP RECOGNITION CRITERIA: DISCUSSION AT TOWN HALL MEETINGS<br><br><br>The main topic for the fall General Body Meeting is a discussion of a new set of criteria for student group recognition. In order to save time during the GBM, we will be holding two town hall meetings to present the proposed changes in order to hear your comments and questions. These two town hall meetings are scheduled for:<br>
<br>Wednesday, November 5, 7:15 pm, in 1-246; and<br>Tuesday, November 11, 7:15 pm, in 1-150.<br><br>Pizza will be served. If you are interested in this issue please attend one of the town hall meetings to hear about the proposed criteria and to voice your feedback. Minutes from the meeting will also be sent out, but we encourage you to attend.<br>
<br><br>-----------------------------------------------------<br><br>3. MEMO FROM THE IAP ADMINISTRATOR REGARDING SPONSORING IAP ACTIVITIES<br><br>_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br>
<br>FROM:<br>Amy Clark<br>Independent Activities Period Administrator<br>Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education<br><br> <br><br>IF YOUR GROUP WANTS TO PROPOSE AN ACTIVITY FOR IAP, YOU MUST READ THIS MEMO. If you want to get authorization to post proposed activities, please contact me at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> with the name of your ASA-recognized group and your Kerberos ID name (Athena User ID).<br>
<br><br>WHO HAS AUTHORITY TO POST (REPRESENT) FOR AN ASA GROUP:<br><br>All activities for IAP must be posted on-line at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> by an authorized group representative. Many participants begin making their IAP plans in November and December. To ensure that student-led events get ample exposure, organizers are strongly encouraged to post their activities on line no later than November 1.<br>
<br><br>HOW TO GET AUTHORIZED TO POST FOR IAP:<br><br>Any ASA group wishing to sponsor IAP activities must designate 1-2 IAP Coordinators who are authorized to post that group's listings.<br><br>Each Coordinator must get authorized to post for that group through me (Amy Clark). Please have your designated Coordinator(s) send me (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) the following information:<br>
<br>• The name of the student group<br><br>• Each Coordinator's kerberos ID (Athena user ID)<br><br><br>HOW TO POST ACTIVITIES:<br><br>Go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> . Read first instructions for "Using the posting forms." Then go to "Post/Revise your IAP Activity." If your ASA group posted an activity for last year's IAP and you would like it to be updated for this year, your group's coordinator will be able to see a list of activities that may be rolled over from last year. Click on the "select" box to view the activity, and then click on "edit" to roll it over.<br>
<br><br>QUESTIONS/PROBLEMS WITH POSTING:<br><br>The updated posting form is easy to use. However, please contact <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for any questions or posting problems.<br>
<br>We look forward to your group's participation in IAP and providing you with any assistance you might need. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or x3-1668.<br>
<br><br>Amy Clark<br>Administrative Assistant<br>Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education<br><br>-----------------------------------------------------<br><br><br>4. SECOND REMINDER: ANTI-HAZING FORMS<br><br>Once again, please be sure to fill out an anti-hazing form online at <a href="" target="_blank">https://<span>asa</span></a>.<br>
<br>If your club does not have anyone fill out a form by Nov 10, then it will be derecognized.<br><br>-----------------------------------------------------<br><br>If you have any questions, please e-mail us at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Also, once again, don't forget to apply for a mailbox at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.<br>
<br><br><br>Sincerely,<br><br><br>The ASA Executive Board <br>