[acs-r] ACS 5-year for 2013

Tom Schenk Jr tomschenkjr at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 15:50:25 EDT 2018

Similar to a prior thread, appears that 5-year ACS data is missing from the
"acs" package (2.1.3). To replicate:

key <- {KEY}
place_name <- "Los Angeles city"
state <- "CA"
year <- 2013
geo <- acs::geo.make(state = c(state), place = place_name)
acs::acs.fetch(endyear = year, span = 5, geography = geo,
  table.number = "B23025", col.names = "pretty",
  key = key)

which results in:

Error: XML content does not seem to be XML: ''

Other years and span seems to work. This problem can be replicated across
various tables.

Attempted to try `acs.tables.install()` which generated a lot of activity,
but rerunning the code did not work.

I am not quite sure how these queries are assembled, but checked the ACS
API which seemed to return valid data, e.g.,

Tom Schenk Jr.
tomschenkjr at gmail.com
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