[acs-r] 2010 zcta data not available

arilamstein@gmail.com arilamstein at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 15:00:56 EDT 2015

I expected 2010 ZCTA data to be available. However, I get an error when I
try to access it:

zip_geo = acs::geo.make(zip.code = "*")
acs::acs.fetch(geography = zip_geo, table.number = "B03002",
+ col.names = "pretty", endyear = 2010, span = 5)
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection

2011 data works fine for me:
zip_geo = acs::geo.make(zip.code = "*")
acs::acs.fetch(geography = zip_geo, table.number = "B03002",
                           col.names = "pretty", endyear = 2011, span = 5)

I am unclear whether this error is because the ZCTA info is simply not
available, or whether there is an error somewhere else in the code.
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