[acs-r] ACS 2010-2014 Data Now Available

Ezra Haber Glenn eglenn at mit.edu
Fri Dec 4 16:07:00 EST 2015

Dear acs.R Users:

Just in time for the holidays, the Census has released new American
Community Survey data, covering all states, counties, cities, and
towns, down to the census tract and block-group level for the
2010–2014 five-year period. Luckily, the data is also available via
the Census Census API, which mean it is available to users of the the
acs.R package (version 1.2 or later; if you’re not sure which version
you are using, you can always type packageVersion(“acs”) to find out.)

To get the latest data, just continue to use the acs.fetch() function
as usual, but specify endyear=2014.  (Note that by default, endyear is
set to 2011 if no year is explicitly passed to acs.fetch, and I didn’t
want to change this for fear of breaking existing user scripts. In the
future, we might to rethink this, so that it selects the most recent
endyear by default.)

Also, be aware that the function will give you some warnings about how
“As of the date of this version of the acs package Census API did not
provides data for selected endyear” – but you can safely ignore that,
and the data will still be fetched.

Happy downloading!

Ezra Haber Glenn, AICP
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave., Room 7-337
Cambridge, MA 02139
eglenn at mit.edu 
http://dusp.mit.edu/faculty/ezra-glenn | http://eglenn.scripts.mit.edu/citystate/
617.253.2024 (w)
617.721.7131 (c)

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