[acs-r] acs-r Digest, Vol 13, Issue 1

Nevin Krishna nevin.krishna at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 14:54:09 EDT 2014

Hi Ezra,

I implemented some of the code you supplied but ran into a problem with the
portion that deals with creating  a new variable to catch the sum of all
three variables. Here is the code I used:

us.county=geo.make(state="LA", county="*")
  us.fb= acs.fetch(geography=us.county, table.number="B05006")
          my.data.est[,4]=apply(X=my.data.est, FUN=sum, MARGIN=2)

when I run  my.data.est, I get the following  error:

Error in `[<-`(`*tmp*`, , 4, value = c(155, 1241, 223)) :
  subscript out of bounds

I am looking to get an output that looks like this:
                                                    B05006_111 B05006_112
B05006_113  combined
Acadia Parish, Louisiana                        0
0              0                          0
Allen Parish, Louisiana                           0
 25           10                       35
Ascension Parish, Louisiana                  0
0              0                         0

Any ideas on how to correct this?

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